Jams - Iris Fold Cards - Fret Work

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flowers are up

Hello Everyone,
Thought I would up date some as things are busy busy now.
I am posting the information and Membership forms again so you don't have to go so far back in the post to find it.
Let's see My last fall peeps are now 5 month old hens getting big. They have been going out side and today I opened the fence so they now mix with the older hens. They should be laying eggs with in the next month. Have 28 eggs that should hatch out by the end of the week if all went well. Then about the same amount again next week. The hens will start to lay in 5 to 6 months later. The roasters will be for eating in about 4 to 5 months.
I got a frame 13 x 20 for a green house am working on getting that all up this week. Shoveled my over 2 tons of stone for the floor. Will be happy to have it up would of loved a larger one but, happy to at last have something.
Started planting greens in the cold boxes for the earlier starts to harvest. Started seed in the green house of a friends like last year. Also tilled up a small area before the rains and snow. After a couple days of no rain I will go over it again put electric fence up and plant greens.
I am working on getting every ones folders together to ready for the season.
I am planing on having a CSA Members Pot Luck again not sure yet if should have it the last weekend of May or second weekend in June. If I wait till June more greens should be ready and with luck the Strawberries should be started.
I would like to offer that all you Members that are in your business of wellness, alternative Med., or other health and food work, if you would like to bring information to the pot luck you are welcome. Thought it might be a good way to get it out there as many people are at times looking for help, advise or group to go to and this could may be help some of us.
I am still taking New Members. I want to Thank all of you whom have passed my farm name on to interested people... THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Let's see Cocoa (greeting dog) is more and more showing her age but, doing well. She will be happy to see every one coming again -- means she will get those doggy treats some of you bring.
Dad is doing good. Mom had her foot surgery this winter. She is doing good -- is in therapy and has a way to go yet. They have decide to sell the camper this year.
Me a little older a little slower, the spring being sore getting back out there working. A ton of paper work trying to get done before the day light hours get so long that I am not in till ten or after. I am looking forward to the new year -- happy that I have been able to add a little to the farm each year to make it produce more and work toward making it a little easier to do.
I got my soil tested with the Brix testing (is more then just the old PH test) not real bad mostly have to work on getting more to release from the soil. I got my organic fertilizers need to help it get to the best. I will try to send some of my vegetables this year to have the Brix test to see for sure just how much is getting into my produce.
Been making daffodil and pussy willow bouquets for the Bed and Breakfast in Burton. The owner is trying to get as much as she can local for the Bed and Breakfast and is offering Cooking Classes where part of the class is to go to the local farms and shops to get the produce for the cooking.
Try to keep an eye on the blog as I will be up dating it and soon I will have a web site as I have some one putting it together.
Look forward to seeing everyone.
(Watch for my New Web Site should be up and running in a week -- Thank-you to Robyn with the Goodwin Bed and Breakfast here in Burton.)

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